MCK JSC is a Company with proven and long standing track record, providing high quality services. The main philosophy the Company pursues is to provide its services as a General Contractor. The advantages of being a General Contractor and why we prefer, providing our services as such, are the following: One single project Contractor between the Investor / Client and the General Contractor – includes all necessary activities and CW throughout the whole process until permit for use incl. commissioning and subsequent maintenance
Full responsibility brought by the General Contractor in terms of quality, time schedule and processes
Value added and processes optimization incl. optimization of implementation deadlines and interim time schedules
Mitigation of all risks, related to vendors and suppliers.
Besides being General Contractor, we have also the full expertise to manage the construction process as a subcontractor in every construction activity.
Combining years of experience, knowledge, professionalism and vision, we specialize in the following construction areas:
- Civil construction
- Industrial and energy construction
- Infrastructure construction
In addition to our specialization, we prefer steel engineering solutions due to the wider capabilities of this type of material in the modern construction world. To achieve our goal, we strive to seek the most cost-effective solutions to manage Investor / Client’s project and turn the investment into a successful completion. To succeed, the Company has a functional structure that cross-combines the expertise of its diverse departments in order to achieve customer satisfaction in all aspects. Essential activity towards the function of this structure is the expertise, related to assessment of the technological and economic solution, as well as its calculation. In addition, the Company is partnering with some of the best design and architectural offices and construction supervision and investor control companies. Our experience in the implementation of large-scale projects and the glance over the best construction practices and solutions enable us to be among the leaders in this field, striving for high efficiency in delivering our services.